We initiate this program, to Paracas Peninsula in Ica, 260 Km.
South of Lima , this travel lates tree hours by car. The highway is fast and
In Paracas we ship to the Ballestas islands (called little
Galapagos), where we find marine fauna as birds, seals, sea gulls, sea wolves,
flocks of cormorants, pelicans, gannets and other guano birds.

Near we find an interesting Site Museum in the desolate windy
area where flourished the remarkable cultures of Paracas Cavernas (during the
last centuries B.C.) and Paracas Necr�polis is; shortly beyond the site Museum
excavation in the zone of cabeza larga � these may be visited - and give a good
idea of the habitat of the ancient inhabitants of the region during the last
centuries B.C. and the first few A.D. |